And so it goes...

The time that has passed is beyond immense so I shall attempt to fill the gap with my bursting memories, thoughts and outlooks in what time I have for after all, time is the one thing that we never seem to get any more of no matter how hard we try.

Little man was in fact diagnosed with a Posterior Laryngeal Cleft.

What does that mean? It means that the back of his throat was not formed properly- so this COULD have been the reason that he had issues from the get go- but at the end of the day, it appears a problem was found so that males me happy.

After one round of a temporary fill, the doctor wanted to do a second round, just to make sure that it would in fact correct the problem. I wouldn't allow it, and pushed for the permanent surgery. After seeing the immediate results of the temporary, I didn't want my child under two more surgeries just to see if we could duplicate the results.

The surgery went incredibly well! He has been gaining as he should be, and there are NO restrictions on food, drink, thicknesses, it is a day that I honestly worried would never come. The last surgery was early 2015, I pushed hard to get it in by the end of 2014, but the doctors just wouldn't coordinate with one another- so it had to be a "New Year" thing.

Healthwise, he is doing wonderfully! Developmentally, I am starting to watch for ADD/ ADHD. I feel like these days it is the "norm" for kids to just get a diagnosis of some form of behavioral disorder, and I don't want to fall into the trap, yet it is also hard to walk the line of not knowing when a normal two year old tantrum crosses the line into something that needs to be evaluated further.

After all the things I have been through with him, I have learned to watch for signs, stand up for what I think needs done, and above all, speak my mind if I think what needs done isn't happening. For now, I am trying to be happy with the fact that he is finally eating, and just being a typical toddler that will take french fries and noodles over most anything else! Thankfully, he did get my genes, and fruits, carrots and steamed broccoli seem to also be his favorite... all of which I think are contributing to him growing like a weed! I swear the kid will have to be a swimmer or a basketball player because he is destined to be the tallest and skinniest in his class!


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