Almost TWO

In six short months I will be the zookeeper of a two year old! In reality that is what I should be called.  Next week will be his 18 month check-up. Our favorite doctor moved to Chicago- I briefly considered looking into relocating- I liked him THAT much! Good pediatricians are hard to find. The one we are seeing isn't that bad, he just isn't my first choice. After the last swallow study, it just makes me nervous and full of questions as to the best course of action.

In other development news, we have transitioned quite nicely to a big boy bed, loves to brush all six (OK only four are actually visible) of his teeth,  he knows the joys of a timeout chair and he still hasn't kicked his dogfood habit. What is it with the dogfood!? See, I am truly a zookeeper! I am going to remember this obsession when he gets older. Now that the weather has started to consistently stay nice, it is a challenge to get him inside! He loves bubbles, balls, his four Wheeler, chasing the puppy and just being in the open air.

 It is crazy to look at him and see how big he is getting! He is a little string bean, and let me tell ya- the kid could stink a family of skunks out of hibernation! It is like playing Russian roulette getting him up in the morning to see if the room will smell like a dumpster... the things they forget to tell you in those parenting books.

He has also mastered climbing into my bed, so I have to watch what is left out- my vitamins, books, keys, cups and remotes in places they do not belong after he has ransacked my room. Jumping on the bed is another joy, jumping off the bed being a close second. Recently he has started to get creative with his landings, he'll land on his butt, try a somersault, maybe do a little twist- the kid has ZERO fear. I think I should start sending the ER staff at Children's hospital cookies and bribes now.

Overall, things have been going pretty well on the child side. He keeps me busy and on my toes. Everyday it seems like he picks up something new, the other day he started spouting "I sorry" and he has figured out that we hook the dog up on a lead outside, so he goes to try and clip her up (unable to do the clip, he just grabs at her collar with the lead in one hand and her collar in another). Meet the Fockers comes to mind "their minds are like sponges"- he imitates sounds we make and things we do. 

Soon his best friend Gavin will be one- seems like yesterday that he was born!I remember that day because it was the day that we officially took his tube out and moved him to a big boy carseat. I am grateful these days for the friends that I have, they seem to be the extra glue holding me together some days. Gavins mommy and I have become somewhat inseparable since his arrival as well.

My mommy, and even non-mommy friends seem to pop out of the woodwork just when I need them most. It isn't that I didn't know or cherish the importance of a good friend or five- but going through everything in the past few months with Caden & his dad, it means the world to have those in the background helping and lending a shoulder, ear or ride to grab a much needed drink!

I can only wish that my son has the opportunity to make friendships like I have, and to be able to do so a little earlier in life than I was able to. Until Cadens arrival, I really didn't have much in the way of "true friends." I know that I blogged months ago that I was warned that having a child ostracizes you- and that person was 150% correct!  Naively I thought that I could be the one that defies the odds (my kryptonite as I am discovering); however, looking back, the people that were around before weren't really around for the right reasons and brought more drama than they were worth. So it is a statistic I am happy to be succumbed by. 


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