Already February!!

February already... so hard to fathom!

It has been over a month (yet again) since I have written. This is the busy season for work, so the six days a week and 40+ hours are catching up with me. Lack of sleep and the "Snowgeddon" that has plagued our area have also each played their own part in my procrastination and general tiredness. 

So, what is new and exciting? Well, my wonderful son has learned to run, throw everything in the trash can, the wipe warmer or the diaper genie (he hasn't discovered the toilet... YET), and he thoroughly enjoys throwing anything he can down the stairs. Jumping on the couches, climbing (yes climbing) any and all furniture and available body part of mine (and ONLY mine) and opening all doors are also on his daily "to-do" list. Pulling the bottles of beer and/or liquor off the shelf in the spare bedroom is entertaining, as is chasing the dog and putting all dog food into the water bowl. Basically- if he isn't on a mission to strangle or kill himself, he is trying to destroy the last strand of sanity I have- and dammit he does it SO FREAKING WELL!

For about two weeks we went through a wonderful stomach problem period, and had to wean him back onto Miralax, something I didn't want to do, but it seems he has honestly come by his belly problems. Mommy was pretty sick of the 2am Handy Manny and Special Agent Oso episodes- just in case you wondered what was on at that time of night. He would wake up screaming, and daddy just wouldn't cut it, mommy would have to sit with him and the second he would start trying to play he would go back to his crib. So now I am watching his dairy intake again and putting gas drops in everything he drinks, consulting with his pharmacists as to what adult version I can get since the baby version of those stupid bottles is the definition if price gauging!, and  keeping his Miralax and apple juice regimen going. 

Vocabulary has increased a bit- my Dutch understanding has also increased... All-in-all, I am sure that he is Harvard bound and will be the president of the booger picking club in Kindergarten. 

How is all else.... I am unsure. I know that is a non-commital, easy-out answer, but life isn't black and white, and there are no simple answers. I have been in serious evaluation mode, and I don't know if I am happy with the results of said evaluation- I also don't know if I want to muddy the waters of the happy things my kid has accomplished with my life realizations... so have some bananas and read on to the next post...


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