A New Year

Wow, it has been almost two years that I have been spilling my frustrations and overfill into this piddly little vent-hole blog, and nearing 3,000 views- all of my one follower must have a sore finger from clicking that much!

I am not one for New Years resolutions, they are a good idea, and they end at that. Lose weight, be more positive, eat better, spend more time with family- yadda yadda. I suppose that this year, if I were to resolve, it would be to be selfish. I am going to focus on myself and be happy. This is going to be a painful and hard path to begin, and I know even the middle will hurt, and the end will still have some thorns and splinters I am sure- but I have to do it, I need to make a change for me.

When I started posting, it was to follow my adventures through pregnancy and motherhood, to vent about what I was going through. I used this as a tool to keep in tough with family that couldn't be here to witness all the good and not so good moments themselves (Uncle T), and for hubby to try and see things through my eyes. I also discovered more than ever, that THIS is my release. Here I can be myself and get out what I want to say without hesitation or second guessing. I know what I mean to say and I write it. I have always loved writing, and I have always been able to write my feelings and opinions over voicing them.

So- for my anti-new years reolution list, here are my resolutions:
- blog more
- stay the course (this will make more sense in coming months)
- take a little more pride in my appearance ( working with the public ALOT more in my new job, I can't exactly pull off the messy pony anymore)
- Read- for myself, to my son, keep up on current events, comics, just READ more
- Make a list of things I want to do and accomplish and start doing them.

I guess that is the simple version, once I start making lists it is very hard for me to stop!

So how exactly did I ring in good 'ol 2014? Well up until a few hours prior, I still didn't know the plan- which is when I decided I wasn't going to allow someone else to constanyly steer the ship and make everyone walk on eggshells around them. Grandma KK, Uncle T and Gerkin James came over. Daddy and Uncle T played video games- daddy got very groughy right before the ball dropped, stopped talking to me and Caden cried when I woke him up to steal a kiss. Everyone left at 12:10 and we were in bed by 12:15. I am still waiting for a New Years kiss, a Happy New Years or anything of the sort. New Years Day, daddy napped on the couch most of the day, I made dinner and that was that.

Today, my "baby " brother is 23! So as I watch the inches of snow fall from the sky and brace for the below zero temperatures that are ahead for the days to come I just think ahead to the warm summer months and all the things that I will take my little goober to do :) He is the light at the end of my tunnel. So stick that in your juicebox and suck it!


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