How the time flies

It seems like I have managed to blink and well over a month has passed! In a few short weeks my little boy will be one whole year old! It is weird to look back to where I was on year ago today and see what was going through my mind and what things have come my way since then. It has been nothing short of hectic, to say the least!

As always, things are anything but slow, which is a large contributor to the fact that I have't written in so long! To begin, we still have NO TEETH! none, no little white spots, nothing peeking through, nadda! No major steps either. He will hold toys while standing, he will stand on his own, but he doesn't have much of a desire o walk. he walks along furniture at his own leisure, but won't walk if you hold his hand, he prefes to do things his own way, as he has proven time and time again over the past few months.

He had surgery last week, October 3rd, to close up the whole in his belly from his g-tube. After it was taken out August 22nd it never fully healed up and it started leaking really bad one day and I had enough, so daddy and I took him to ER and after he broke out in a full body rash, which we were told was "just heat rash," we were sent home with a cranky baby and no answer. I went to see a doctor that was not his own, one of my personal pet peeves, and luckily got in to see his surgeon and had a surgery date a few days later. As much as I hated to see my little man sent back yet again for surgery I am glad that this was he end of the road. 

He came home and despite being a little sleepier than usual, he was up and playing like nothing was wrong. We had a weekend of some very intense mommy-attach-ness, but for the most part, he took it better than I have ever taken any surgery I have ever had! The full body rash we were told was viral, and they could do nothing about it, it went away before surgery, which is very good because they would not have done surgery if he still had the rash!

The new job is going very well, I have adjusted and I think it is a wonderful fit. I am very busy with stuff, which I like, I certainly have a personality that likes to have five things going on at once. I leave between four and five right now until tax season starts and I come in between seven and eight thirty. It is nice to have flexibility and to get to spend time with Caden. Even with the new schedule, I still feel like I don't get anything done! 

Lately Caden has been testing his naptime, so he has been taking shorter daytime naps, what used to be 1-2 hour naps twice a day is now maybe 30-45 min twice a day, then he is down for the night by 7:30 and up at 7, which is ok... except for when mommy wants to sleep in on the weekend! I have never had an issue with him sleeping, he has always been a champ, which scares me when it comes to round two. I know he is just getting his schedule readjusted and going to maybe one nap a day, which is also fine, but I would like to have a little more time at night with a happy baby and not the evil spawn of Satan cling monster that comes out!

Other than that he is a happy little man! He loves his puppy and being outside, he has learned to throw a ball and has started to feed the dog when he is finished with his own food and has also learned the art of temper tantrums when he does not get what he wants! Oh the joys of parenthood!


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