A new beginning

So I have made it through almost two weeks at the new job. The first week was a doozy! I felt like so out of place and like I was a Freshman on my first day of high school again. It really put into perspective that over the past three plus years I have not done ANYTHING with my degree. It was like learning from square one, I was nervous and anxious and had so many (ridiculous) questions that I was happy at the end of the week when they wanted me to come back!

Now that I am rounding out week two I feel a little better and back to a more comfortable place. Most days I manage to get about half an hour of overtime, and it doesn't feel like I work over. I have stuff to do, I like what I am doing, things are just working. Hopefully after tax season I will be able to replace good 'ol grandma Taurus and get myself a shiny new Highlander. Grandma just rolled 220k miles, she's been a good car but it is time for her to move onto better things, mainly my husband! 

Caden is STILL teething, and STILL has no teeth! The recent developments are not napping for more than thirty minutes, waking up at night to cry and then fall back to sleep, bad diaper rash, not drinking very much, eating teeny tiny meals every two hours and randomly crying and only wanting to be held. While I don't have the sleep deprivation I had when he was little and bouncing back and forth between home and hospital- this is a very trying time. With him being so mobile- it is impossible to get anything done. When he is in a mood he will just cry and follow me through the house trying to grab at my legs and pull himself up until I pick him up. It is easy to listen to people say "don't cave in", "just let him cry it out"- well these people don't have a screaming child at their legs!! I have told him on multiple occasions that I understand why people shake and microwave their babies- completely joking of course, but you hit that point when you just have to get a break or you will go insane. I have had a few of those moments through this teething process. 

The upside to not napping during the day is that bedtime is about eight, like clock work, every night. So I have 1-2 hours to myself, assuming that daddy isn't home. This week in particular is a daddy free week. He has meetings every night, a football game to attend with the department on Friday ('tis the season), and then a class Saturday and Sunday. I despise weeks like this. 

Along with my new job is a new sitter for little man. I could not be happier with that decision. She watches her two grandchildren in the mornings and afternoons before and after school, and they love Caden and she is wonderful with him. I get texts and pictures and she updates me with any problems or concerns. So overall things are going pretty well. I am in full on planning mode for his first birthday party. I have the hall booked, decorations purchased and am getting invitations ready to be sent out in the next few weeks here. I think I am more excited for his birthday than I was for my wedding day, OK- so that may be a bit of an over exaggeration, but I am pretty happy. 
Charlotte and Caden- Yes, she is TWO months YOUNGER than him. Such a chunk!


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