A moment only a mother would cry over...
My dear friend, Caden's "Aunt MeeMee", went into the hospital on Monday night with alot of pain and discovered that she was one cm dilated! A whole week beyond her due date, and with an impending induction, this was welcome news. She came home with her husband, who works at our local hospital as well as on the department with my husband and myself, and they anxiously waited for more progress. Doped up on drugs, she managed to take a quick nap and went into see her doctor Tuesday afternoon, no luck and she was sent home with no further progress. Her husband went to work (the night shift) and we joked that we would bring her the squad if she needed to go in the middle of the night. Wednesday morning her water broke and she headed into the hospital- we were all anxiously waiting for the big news, and as the day crept along, little news came other than that baby Gavin was being a stinker and taking his sweet time getting here.
By the time I went to bed at ten, she told me that she was a little more than five centimeters and that she would let me know when he arrived. Midnight I got a text that she was 9cm and 90% effaced and hadn't had progress- all along I kept telling her that I suspected she would get a c-section, I know SO many people that have had them that I just had a feeling she would end up there. I woke up at five and saw no new texts, by seven she texted me that I was right and that she had a section. Gavin was born at 5:41 in the morning, a healthy 7+lb and 21.5 inches long with a full head of dark hair.
While this seems like an average birth story, I can't explain the feelings I have now that I have my own child. I hear about births and babies coming in their own unique ways and it just brings tears to my eyes- To wait for so long to hear that first cry, to see if they have a head of hair or daddy's eyes- it is just something that only a mother can relate to!
In addition to welcoming a new "nephew", Caden had his nine month check-up as well. The doctor, who I love, checked us in himself and as always was pleasant and didn't need twenty reminders of our situation. Caden measured in at a whole 19lb 10.4oz and is up to the 80th percentile in length, also he does not have a ginormous head (sometimes you just want to hear that your kid truly does not resemble a bobble head). We have managed to wean him off of his antibiotic since he is pottying quite well on his own now and we got the clear to move him up to a convertible carseat!

As if hearing how big my little baby is getting wasn't enough as I scheduled his one year check-up and flu shots- I got the clear to take out his tube. Less than eight months after it was placed, he has astounded the doctors, nutritionists and surgeons and overcome his failure to thrive! I went home, not telling daddy the news that I knew he would be thrilled about, with a lump in my throat thinking back to this time last year when I could feel him wiggling inside me, wondering when he would arrive and who he would look like.
Every parent hears how fast time goes, and to cherish every moment, but for the first time yesterday, I had that moment. As I installed his carseat and taped up his tube free belly- I cried, every time I looked at my little boy, I cried, wondering where the time went and just how much I don't want to miss anything in his life. It has been such a long journey since that morning I went into the ER just because something didn't feel right. Less than 24 hours later I held my six pounds and four ounces of baby for the first time. Now as I plan his Mickey Prate Birthday extravaganza, I wonder how I will ever fit another child into my life, yet at the same time- I can't wait for another one, and not just one- two three more! Crazy, I know, but that is just the way that mommy hormones work sometimes :)
By the time I went to bed at ten, she told me that she was a little more than five centimeters and that she would let me know when he arrived. Midnight I got a text that she was 9cm and 90% effaced and hadn't had progress- all along I kept telling her that I suspected she would get a c-section, I know SO many people that have had them that I just had a feeling she would end up there. I woke up at five and saw no new texts, by seven she texted me that I was right and that she had a section. Gavin was born at 5:41 in the morning, a healthy 7+lb and 21.5 inches long with a full head of dark hair.
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Gavin Robert <3 |
While this seems like an average birth story, I can't explain the feelings I have now that I have my own child. I hear about births and babies coming in their own unique ways and it just brings tears to my eyes- To wait for so long to hear that first cry, to see if they have a head of hair or daddy's eyes- it is just something that only a mother can relate to!
In addition to welcoming a new "nephew", Caden had his nine month check-up as well. The doctor, who I love, checked us in himself and as always was pleasant and didn't need twenty reminders of our situation. Caden measured in at a whole 19lb 10.4oz and is up to the 80th percentile in length, also he does not have a ginormous head (sometimes you just want to hear that your kid truly does not resemble a bobble head). We have managed to wean him off of his antibiotic since he is pottying quite well on his own now and we got the clear to move him up to a convertible carseat!


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