
Showing posts from June, 2012

Happy Anniversary!

So it is our wedding anniversary- and what better way to celebrate than with our anatomy ultrasound!?   In true fashion we got ice cream! On our way all the way UP in the ladder! Happiest Day yet! I've started to feel occasional flutters and find myself waiting for them to appear again. We couldn't be happier with our new doctors- the office staff is wonderful, they aren't crowded, it just seems like we couldn't ask for more. Oddly enough- our nurse lives in one of the townships that my husband works for- if you have any idea about the blip of no-where that we reside- this is truly something that warrants a background of "It's a small World." We get ushered into the ultrasound room and lubed up with warm jelly. The tech asks the million dollar question: "Do you want to know what you are having"- Oddly, dad didn't jump up and answer before she could finish- so we tell her yes we do. The ultrasound starts, and

We have the Plague

Our friends told us that we would get the plague when we had kids.  Now, they would know, having 4 kids of their own- but I guess like everything else, you doubt it until it happens- well lock us up because we have caught something horribly contagious... that or people are just stupid. I think the latter is probably more accurate . The first was something we expected, someone who used to be what I considered a dear friend. Found out the day she was expecting, we talked almost everyday, I threw her very large baby shower and dealt with the family politics and did everything I could during and after the pregnancy. After throwing the shower, I got no thanks, and was pretty much cut off cold turkey. Tragically, the baby was still born and then I was treated as a foreign person. Now this hurt the non hormonal me- but I just coughed it up to something bad happening (for the 2nd time) and thought maybe she needed time. Well we found out she was expecting again before we had told anyo

How time flies!

Happy Belated Fathers Day! Daddy Reed got some coffee for the Kuerig golf shirts, golf shoes, pry bars, and a singing cheeseburger card! Also, newest edition Vienna came home! In his words" the cutest little puppy ever." Pictures to follow. First night home the dryer was going, so I think her little whines were muffled, but the next nights she had no problems waking us up at random hours. Oddly enough- hubby has been taking her out when she whines- I figured I would get the swift kick across the bed to wake me up for "my dog." She did however manage a great escape the other night. I went to bed, and since she was sleeping and Daddy hadn't showered yet, I just took her towel downstairs with me and laid in bed until he came down. Then I took her upstairs (already well asleep myself by the time he got done), and placed her as quietly as possible into her crate and closed the door. Well, I guess in my little stupor I didn't make sure that the door latched-

Strike ONE!

As I round out week 15 and am officially into the Second Trimester, I find myself feeling not much different than the first part- the nausea still rears its ugly head and I could probably moon light as a drug dog with the amazing spidey-sense nose I have! Side Effects aside, things seem to be going very well. We will officially settle the house debate on July 12th! By that I mean, doctor will assure him that I am right and baby is a girl, but I guess I shouldn't quite order the pink cake yet. I think I have passed my first trimester hormones onto my husband- as he has been one moody man lately. Love him to death-  but he is REALLY testing my nerves these days. In other news, my baby sister graduated yesterday! While she isn't the youngest of my sisters, she is definitely the one I am closest with.  Unfortunately, I didn't get to see her walk across the stage - I was at a bridal shower. I cancelled my plans for her graduation to go to a bridal shower for MY mai