It's hard to keep secrets

First Shots Ever

3/18/2012  Happy St. Patrick's Day! Well day after St. Patrick's Day anyways- when those pink lines first showed themselves :)

I woke up, knowing that the date on the calendar was etched in my brain as the first official day t be able to take a pregnancy test and get a real result. I knew. I knew the next day. It was a feeling that I have never experienced before. I was in the shower and I told my husband, "it worked, I think I am pregnant." He laughed and figured I was just making conversation. Our path to get here had been so intense.

In the last 24 months, we each gad major surgery- he had an appendectomy, rotator cuff surgery and then hernia surgery. I spent no less than 6 nights in the ER fighting migraines, kidney function problems and ended up with 

It's hard to describe the feelings or excitement at 7am while I try to remain calm until the husband wakes up and wanders into the bathroom to see the slaughtered bunny.... Yes, in true fashion I jabbed a knife through an unsuspecting rabbit and gave him "X" eyeballs.

8:30 finally came, why on Earth of all days does he sleep in!? This isn't vacation!! OK- so maybe it slipped his mind what today actually is- and maybe we both blew it off since our 3 day "window" was interrupted by yet another ER visit and days of sickness. Someday we will turn in our frequent flier miles and get a free lunch in the cafeteria! But sure enough those boys could swim, and despite the odds managed to find the target- (in MY mind proving it is a girl, because let's face it- I am a WAY better shot than him- picture proof above). We laugh, I cry, and we sit in amazement that oh, man.... what have we done!?

Our Wedding Day 6/26/2010

Lily- Our first Baby <3 August 2010


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