This little note...

(My other half and I work opposite shifts- he is on nights and I am on days. The days we have off are seemingly rare and far between, which means that the time we DO have together means that much more. I call everyday when I leave work, and some days I am able to catch him for a solid 10 minutes before he leaves for work. In the mornings, if he doesn't have any other running or get held over we may have the same amount of time before I rush off for school drop-off. Our interactions and communications have become notes and small acts- because that is what we have. The mirrors and windows in the house are often littered with doodles and inside jokes, to remind one another of the good times we had or the moments we are looking forward to. Caden has caught on that this is how we manage. Seeing this evolution and thought process unfold has been adorable si...