Our Big Appointment!

We spent a whopping four hours between doctors and therapists yesterday in hopes to get more answers to Caden's development. The list of people we saw included: Physical Therapy, Occupational Therapy, Speech Therapy, Nutritionist, Pediatrician, Audiologist and a Social Worker! It pretty much went down like this: Pediatrician met with us first- we checked his weight, went over the meds he is on and since dad came (=happy mommy!!) he got to meet our wonderful doctor. Caden had a dip in weight that we will watch at his 6 month check-up, we increased one of his meds and got the clear on everything else. I think the drop in weight can be attributed to his tube coming out a few weeks back. We are still building his feeds back up to the volume they were before- so the doctor didn't seem too alarmed just yet, and since everything else checked out pretty well we were sent on our way to the next appointment. Audiology put some ear buds in his ears and they measured the re-reverbera...