
Showing posts from February, 2013

A year ago today...

I was starting Clomid treatment to see if the doctor could get some eggs to appear in my ovaries so I could hopefully have a child one day... now we all know the outcome of this treatment- but I think taking time to remember what I went through and all my fears is still important. Caden is the best thing to ever happen to me- ever. But I can still remember the feeling of not knowing if anything would work.. all the tests, the waiting and the diagnosis. Dad had some slow swimmers, and I just don't work right. Getting the diagnosis of PCOS (Poly Cystic Ovarian Syndrome) was not the best day in my short life. It happened after one of my many (5-8) trips to ER for un-diagnosable abdominal pain. The worst pain I have ever had in my life- it would come at random, almost always at night and I would end up in the ER with them suggesting it was something else and getting shipped home with yet another referral to a specialist. Three colonoscopies and one surgery later and they were able

The Beat goes on...

My accomplishments since the last update: - Caden had to have his mic-key changed out because it was not holding water - I survived a week of the MIL at my house while I was at work and have lived to tell about it - Proud recipient of three more business world "It's not you it's me" letters - One night (well three hours) away from the husband and the baby for an appetizer and drink with a friend Really the highlights I suppose. I keep telling myself that things will settle enough that I can start getting into a work out regimen- or really any sort of routine- but with daddy always at work at any given moment and juggling the every other week with the in-law at home and the drive- I just don't see continuity anytime soon. I have decided to take a leap and start applying for some part time jobs- as much as I don't want something just part time- I think as long as I can get the bills covered that are necessary and if I can find two jobs that are more what

It ain't easy being green

or a working mom... Officially completed a FULL week of work. Add in two interviews two doctor appointments and one giant hubby blow up and you have my week! The doctor went well- the surgeon showed me how to change out Cadens Mick-key button... it is not pleasant (for either of us). Imagine putting an earring into an infected ear- that is the sensation. But I managed to get it changed and we were on our way to the next doctor. At his pediatrician we got some AMAZING NEWS!- He is finally at a good point on the growth chart- after spending his first several weeks in the single digits as far as percentiles go- he made an enormous leap to the 35th percentile- the doctors (and mommy) were thrilled! His tube, as much as we didn't want it, has made such a difference. I proudly sport my "I heart a Tubie" shirt knowing that it has made a world of difference in my little trooper. Daddy doesn't think my support for "tubies" and organizations that help raise awaren

End of my first week back!

Annnnd- I spent the past two days at home. Figure that out! I spend almost three weeks of my time off in and ou t of doctors offices and hospitals and I go back to work for THREE days and I am sick! Our IT guy was sick on Monday and then had to spend quite a bit of time in my office fixing my computer (it hates him.... no lie), and one of my bosses was sick with what had to be two sniffles away from the Bubonic Plague on Monday and spent time in my office all week proclaiming that he was " feeling better just a scratchy throat at this point, like strep." Thank-you for your germs! I have felt horrible- I felt it starting Tuesday night and by Wednesday morning I was armed with cold medicine and a bottle of Cepacol throat spray! By Thursday I was calling in reinforcements to watch Caden so I could sleep. Aunt Kate came out and brought soup and gave me some much needed zzz's. Managed to get a doc appointment today and she said it doesn't seem like influenza, but I am