What about mom & dad...?

Having Caden is amazing, awesome, the best thing I could have ever expected. It is also the biggest strain I think my marriage has had to endure.. Between the mother in law arguments and not getting sleep- our little bundle has added an extra weight to our relationship. I stayed home with him for twelve weeks, and all seventeen days he was in the hospital, I made it my goal to be there as much as I could- and dad just didn't get it. It's just one of those things.. he is my baby- I grew him and carried him for 37 weeks- the last thing I wanted was to part with him for even an hour. Dad would get flustered with me for wanting to be there when he wasn't "sick" and was surrounded by nurses and doctors. He didn't know how I couldn't sleep or why at eight am I could only imagine driving back there or that I wanted to stay the night with him. Since he has been home a new crop of issues has surfaced. I spend the day with him. I deal with the diapers, the...