All Boy!

Sixteen Months in, and I think that the reality is NOW setting in that this kid is 100% BOY! Sure, I saw the ultrasound, I picked out the blue shirts and the Nemo decor. We trimmed the winky down and gave him his late grandfathers name, but NOW as the though of chasing him through the house exhausts me, I realize the meaning of having a little boy. The kid goes non-stop, he pauses only to consider what else to destroy or climb. The sitter has her couch in the middle of the living room since he decided the window between the living and kitchen would make a nice crawl space and he tried to dive into the kitchen sink. He has been found standing on the piano (yes, STANDING on the keys), he climbs in and out of the bathtub, up and down stairs, all over couches, under chairs and over any object that looks like it is mount-able (and even a few that are not-so-much). We are in the midst of transitioning to a hard topped sippy cup, and some days are better than others, still have f...