
Showing posts from June, 2013


We got the official blessing to start real food... so how has it been going? Well, much better than I anticipated! The only food he seems to be "against" is sweet potatoes- and I am sure he gets that from me, because I won't touch those nasty things either! I also get an array of funny faces when attempting the broccoli/carrot/ cheese mixtures- it has some bigger pieces in it, so I don't know if it is the taste or texture, but again, not forcing because I am also not a fan of cheese covered veggies. I am a rare breed that prefers simple steamed and lightly salted veggies- hold the butter and salt PLEASE! So, yes, food has been great- so much that I cut out some tube feeds and am anticipating that after the nutritionist adds up his caloric intake that she will advise me to just use the tube for some hydration and not for any actual feeds. He LOVES- and yes, I mean that in all caps- his sippy cup. The boy sees that little cup and he goes nuts, it s adorable. H

What you want and what you get

What I wanted... And what I got Now I know I will get countless "compliments" on how cute/nice/pretty/etc. my haircut is... bottom line- what I wanted is no where near what I got. Too short, too dark and in a world where something as simple as a haircut is like a vacation- my plane was canceled and there were roaches in the hotel. I decided (and promptly reported to FB) that this was how the universe informed me that I am not emotionally ready enough for change and that this is my payback for being passive aggressive. Seeking the agreement and Instead of vocalizing at the beginning, middle or end of my "trim" that I saw something amiss- I simple forked over the balance due plus tip and went on my merry way. I'll schedule another appointment when desperation strikes again. This little character flaw has been my kryptonite for far too long and due to the sheer definition of it... it will continue to eat away at my innards. This is why my husband and