
Showing posts from May, 2013

Mirror Mirror...

Ever sit back and wonder at what age we learn to be self conscious of ourselves? I think that it is more often looked at from the female perspective- but for boys as well- when do you look in the mirror and instead of seeing a smiling face you see flaws and imperfections? I am well aware that my body has changed after having a baby- it will never be the same- and I have no regrets for that. What our bodies are capable of is nothing short of amazing- and after the emergency c-section I am still amazed at the fact that there is little evidence in the way of scarring. It does not make me feel any better that as summer nears I fear anything short, tight or skin bearing. I also don't think I get quite the support from my husband that I need on the matter. At all of 120 lbs wet (him not myself)- I am well aware the two of us will never be the same size- I just wish that more people understood just HOW LONG it takes to get back to a new normal after giving birth. The big culprit fo

Updates galore!

Look familiar? No- I have not put Caden into a dress- this is me!! Also my proof that little man may have resembled daddy according to EVERYONE at the hospital- but now that my family genes are setting in- he is getting much more "mommy" in him! Grandpa was left alone with the baby for a little too long, and I suppose it is no surprise that this appeared in my phone. I don't know who is happier Caden or Grandpa!! I think what makes me chuckle about this picture most is how much my parents have changed in the past years. Growing up we never heard curse words, never were exposed to cigarettes or alcohol and lived in the city! In high school- my mother moved out to the middle of no where... really- we went from living five minutes from any store you could imagine to being twenty minutes to the nearest GAS STATION! This brought on a new side of my mom- we like to refer to it as the "death to the mom jeans" stage. You could call it a mid-life crisis, though at b

Just a bit too early for this again....

I want another baby... Dear God- I am crazy- officially admittable to the nearest loony bin! OK- So I am not out to crank out another in the next month and I am sure it is just a surge of hormones as my little caterpillar gets more mobile and starts becoming so personable and fun to play with- but I find myself never wanting this stage to end and I can easily see how the Duggar clan is like the reproduction version of the song from LambChop!! "This is the song that never ends, yes it goes on and on my friends- some people started singing it not knowing what it was so we just keep on singing it forever just because..." I have always known I loved kids since I was young. I attracted them like magnets- or mosquito's to a bug light! If I was in a store they would find me, I could make any baby smile- it is an odd calling that is morphing into wanting more! As the six month anniversary nears of my little ones unexpected early arrival- it is so hard to wrap my mind arou