
Showing posts from March, 2013

Pictures :)

Mommy Time!! Best of Buds Snazzy man! First time outside! Already stealing the remote Blanket on his face.. the only place he will keep it! After screaming all the way home we had to make an emergency stop to calm down and get changed Million blankets- my little Lucky Charm Best. Thing. Ever <3

Not the aim I was hoping for

After our tube adventures last week- I was looking forward to some normalcy again, and wouldn't you know  every time I think that the world proves me wrong! All weekend Caden was pretty sleepy- which isn't all that unusual. I like to get as much "mommy-time" in as I can over the weekends, so when he is up we are usually pretty active. Sunday afternoon he started getting a little fussier than usual and when it came time for his 2 pm feed he was screaming- like he was in pain. I stopped his feed and let him calm down a bit and then tried to feed him again at five. I was able to get the rest down and he napped afterwards. Come eight thirty it was time for dinner and bed for the little tyke and everything seemed to be going smoothly. We got him laid down and daddy and I tried to catch up on some of the DVR'd shows. I heard little man talking in his crib and sent dad to investigate. He came back with a Caden in arms and said he was wide awake in his crib. He stat w

When Things Don't Go As Planned

This morning started like any other morning- I woke up a  little later than I should have, got dressed, got a bottle warming up for Mr. Sleepy-Pants and went in to wake him up. I turned on his lamp and let him wiggle around a bit to wake up. Now, Little Man is a morning person- no idea where this comes from, but the kid wakes up bright eyed and busy tailed every morning- laughing, smiling and just ready to greet the day! This morning (and recently in general) he has been sleeping in more- which has caused me to start moving his bedtime up- which is fine with me! I debated just packing him in his carseat to take to Grandma Gina and not waking him, but for the sake of routine decided to wake my little man, there really is no better way to start your morning than with a happy baby. While he was wiggling- I heard him tooting away. Then it sounded wet, and I decided to check his diaper prior to picking him up out of his crib to see just what kind of a mess I was getting myself into. I

Post Partum Depression

To begin, here is a list from - a website I have found to be very helpful: 1. Just [go for a walk/go out with your friends/have a drink] and you’ll feel all better. 2. If you just buy this book online, even though we don’t tell you what’s in it, you’ll learn the “cure” for postpartum depression. 3. In a news report on infanticide or any other child murder: She must have had postpartum depression. 4. Magazine or online article headline: 10 Easy Steps To Get Over PPD Now! (None of them will mention, of course, that getting over postpartum depression is not easy, and none of them will mention getting medical help.) 5. Women have been having babies for tens of thousands of years, and they got through new motherhood just fine. Toughen up. 6. I just finished my album/thesis/marathon/political campaign. This must be what postpartum depression feels like. 7. Maybe postpartum depression is God’s way of letting you know you don’t have enough faith. I think