This morning started like any other morning- I woke up a little later than I should have, got dressed, got a bottle warming up for Mr. Sleepy-Pants and went in to wake him up. I turned on his lamp and let him wiggle around a bit to wake up. Now, Little Man is a morning person- no idea where this comes from, but the kid wakes up bright eyed and busy tailed every morning- laughing, smiling and just ready to greet the day! This morning (and recently in general) he has been sleeping in more- which has caused me to start moving his bedtime up- which is fine with me! I debated just packing him in his carseat to take to Grandma Gina and not waking him, but for the sake of routine decided to wake my little man, there really is no better way to start your morning than with a happy baby. While he was wiggling- I heard him tooting away. Then it sounded wet, and I decided to check his diaper prior to picking him up out of his crib to see just what kind of a mess I was getting myself int...