
Showing posts from December, 2012

Our Big Adventure Part Three

So after being admitted and right before the holiday and over a weekend, you can imagine that tests were only getting done in emergency cases. His Upper GI was scheduled for Monday as was his EEG. The neurologist also ordered an MRI. Dr Kera came to see him Saturday and was there when the doctor made her rounds and asked some questions and suggested the MRI try and be done without anesthesia if possible. His EEG came back normal, and the GI showed that while he had reflux everything was the correct shape size and position. Unfortunately with reflux, it meant that he would have to have the MRI under anesthesia. It was also determined by this point that my little man would in fact need surgery. No matter what the cause of the problem, he had a problem and it would take a while to figure out how to fix it- whether that was surgery for a spinal issue (that the MRI would show), or therapy. Surgery was scheduled for Wednesday and we were told that we could get discharged Monday night and c

Our Big Adventure Part Two

While waiting for the swallow study, we decided to get our Christmas tree- Caden helped daddy cut it down :) And then we went home to decorate! So after gifts were bought and the tree decorated, we went for our swallow study- the Friday before Christmas. Got to radiology, and even though daddy was mad the appointment wasn't during a time he could make it, it worked out because only one parent is allowed back to the test. We waited and waited and little man was getting antsy- he hadn't eaten since ten that morning and his appointment was two! Finally we went back and they placed him on a modified baby seat and handed me a bottle of barium to feed him, Now thank goodness babies have no taste buds because daddy and I BOTH had to have a barium swallow test and that stuff is NASTY! So he drinks some, they thicken it thin it and have me move his head and then the test is done. I asked if I could give him his bottle and they said I couldn't until the radiologist came back

Our Big Adventure Part One

My how time has gotten away from me! It's been over a month and as the New Years approaches, I figured I would enticed Caden with the vibrating swing to put some updates on here before I forget them! So, after trying the gas drops, Caden got very constipated and was an unhappy little boy- so we nixed those and put him back on straight formula to get things moving. As his two month appointment approached, I scheduled another visit with the lactation specialist during a time that daddy could also make it so he could hear what she had to say. It didn't seem like nursing was getting any better, and almost worse! With the last lactation appointment being a little out of the ordinary as far as him eating well went.  We got to the appointment and tried to get him to nurse. It seemed like what he was able to get out he let fall right out the other side of his mouth- after about 25 minutes, he was weighed and we were back to the wonderful 2cc of actual milk that he ended up with. Da