
Showing posts from June, 2019


Trust This is such a simple word.  It's a statement, a promise, something that is given with the utmost respect. Until recently, I didn't realize exactly what this little word really meant- what weight it carried. I am pretty open about my life- " I'm an open book ", " Ask away "- If I had a dollar for every time someone suggested to me that I write a novel or a biography, I would probably be able to fund said novel. What few probably realize is that while the experiences are in fact real, it is much easier to make light of the situations and be a pillar for those around you than it is to truly show the impact that the situations have had on you.  Several posts have shown the more serious side- the loss of my grandmother , battling post partum , my divorce -  but the scars that I have weathered from my incredibly unique up-bringing are something that few, if truly anyone, have actually seen.  So how does Trust come into all