
Showing posts from May, 2019

SMLFNP- Swipe Right

Is that how dating profiles work these days? Swipe Right Insert Filter- add duck face So since being divorced- I have learned: - you can't date- it is bad -no, really, if you are a woman and you date, you get a reputation -Unless you have been dating in excess of one year, anything less than that makes you a harlot  (yes... you are a harlot until you hit that one year mark) Where to meet your next Mr. Right: -Online dating makes you trashy -Meeting in a bar makes you trashy -You should probably just meet in church... but not at a social event where you were aiming to meet someone, that makes you desperate and how dare you want to be with someone? -Your life should be devoted to bettering yourself post-divorce, pining after your ex and focusing only on your spawns. -The grocery store may also be acceptable, but only in the chip or cereal aisle, because fruits, meats and liquor sections are obviously all signs that you have been or plan on making very bad decisions

High Speed Parenting

Tomorrow we graduate! I say "we", because for those that have managed to endure Kindergarten, it truly is a joint effort. This school year has been probably one of the most challenging aside from Lil Man's first year. I cannot speak enough praises of preschool and early education, we personally used Goddard school and they were wonderful. This year he started at a private school due to the lack of decent public schools in the area, and I can honestly say that it was the best decision for both of us. Around the Fall, the notes from the teacher started to tell me what I sensed I already knew but couldn't quite face, he was starting to encounter challenges that a smaller class and extra help at home wouldn't be enough to overcome. After several meetings, countless emails and endless documentations and modifications at home- I made the appointment and came home with an official diagnosis- ADHD. Now, neither his father or myself can ever do something sma