
Showing posts from 2018

The Mother of it all

This is me Right now, at this moment in time. (no filter, no make-up, just me) I am writing at midnight as my child lies asleep next to me in my own bed. There are so many things that I have to say, so many things that I have learned, lived through and experienced in the 6 years since I started this blog. Tonight though, I want to just reflect on my role as a mom. Moms are tough... without a doubt. Even the moms who didn't birth their children, those whose children aren't here with them, and those who have kids via any other special circumstance. This job is much harder than I ever imagined, ever. When my Goober arrived in the non-traditional fashion that he did, he threw me into the thick of it, and I am pretty sure that we have yet to surface for air. I am the proud single mother of a 6 year old boy who has endured 5 surgeries, the divorce of his parents and still manages to carry on with more strength and dignity than I have seen in most adults I know.  I am n