The black, white and blurred lines
I don't recall what started it all. For a while I did, I could remember every word, every sentence and exchange, now I just see the looks and I feel the impact that those words I held onto for so many months still have on me today. My mother plays soccer, indoor during the winter months, and it was December. The year had been a long and trying year, as all of them seem to have been. I played soccer when I was younger, when I was very young my mom and my stepdad coached my team, and then in highschool I almost played an entire season before my dad made me quit the team. Yes , I was forced to quit the team as a sophomore in highschool. Why? Well that would be because one day, my grandmother was unable to pick me up, so one of the girls gave me a ride to my grandmothers house since she lived right down the road. I went to my grandma's on the days I had practice, and my grandma paid for my extracirriculars, and was the only constant at every one of my games- home or away....