Posterior Laryngeal Cleft

That looks like a bunch of medical jargon- basically- the back of the throat isn't formed like it should be. There are three different stages, I, II, III & IV- III being the worst. (powerpoint) Caden will be under sedation, but breathing on his own and they will look at his throat to see how everything looks. If they see that he has the cleft- they will fill the extra space in with a temporary gel film. This film will last 2-3 months. In that time they will make sure that he tolerates the gap being filled (as it should be), and then he will have a permanent surgery to have the space filled. This is the suregry that worries me most, and that I have yet to to start researching because just writing about it makes me quiver. Preliminarily, I *think* he will have to be intubated a day or so just because of what they are doing (sewing his airway up)- and that scares me in ways that there just aren't words for. I am not even going to look at that mountain until I know it i...