
Showing posts from July, 2014

Mommy Day 2014

At the risk of sounding like a complete ass, I will demonstrate this day with two perspectives (this also shows that I DO in fact know how the others involved see the events- I just don't get how these events were allowed to go on...) I don't really recall Mother's Day 2013. I am sure I could go back and read about it, I do recall getting flowers (EXACT same ones as the in-law << Big NO-NO) , but I know the day wasn't anything special- enough that the husband even noted this year that he knew he had been slacking. (Expectant) Mother's Day 2012- I had date day with my dad and Uncle T sent me flowers from his stint in the Marines. The response from the husband, "well you aren't a mom yet so why would I do anything for Mother's Day? " So we can all see that this day had a reputation already, and it wasn't the Hallmark commercial one... 7:00am- ZZZZZZ "ATTENTION FIRE DEPARTMENT!!!!!" yes that was my wake-up call. Out the door th...