
Showing posts from June, 2014

Almost TWO

In six short months I will be the zookeeper of a two year old! In reality that is what I should be called.  Next week will be his 18 month check-up. Our favorite doctor moved to Chicago- I briefly considered looking into relocating- I liked him THAT much! Good pediatricians are hard to find. The one we are seeing isn't that bad, he just isn't my first choice. After the last swallow study, it just makes me nervous and full of questions as to the best course of action. In other development news, we have transitioned quite nicely to a big boy bed, loves to brush all six (OK only four are actually visible) of his teeth,  he knows the joys of a timeout chair and he still hasn't kicked his dogfood habit. What is it with the dogfood!? See, I am truly a zookeeper! I am going to remember this obsession when he gets older. Now that the weather has started to consistently stay nice, it is a challenge to get him inside! He loves bubbles, balls, his four Wheeler, chasing the puppy an