A moment only a mother would cry over...

My dear friend, Caden's "Aunt MeeMee", went into the hospital on Monday night with alot of pain and discovered that she was one cm dilated! A whole week beyond her due date, and with an impending induction, this was welcome news. She came home with her husband, who works at our local hospital as well as on the department with my husband and myself, and they anxiously waited for more progress. Doped up on drugs, she managed to take a quick nap and went into see her doctor Tuesday afternoon, no luck and she was sent home with no further progress. Her husband went to work (the night shift) and we joked that we would bring her the squad if she needed to go in the middle of the night. Wednesday morning her water broke and she headed into the hospital- we were all anxiously waiting for the big news, and as the day crept along, little news came other than that baby Gavin was being a stinker and taking his sweet time getting here. By the time I went to bed at ten, she told me t...