
Showing posts from October, 2014

Results Part II (Hurry up and wait... again)

We have hit our "follow-up" window and met with Speech and GI this week. Tomorrow we should get a swallow study date, so let's recap what has happened in the past two months: - Eating/ drinking went INCREDIBLY well after the gel fill!!! - Three weeks ago, we got a little flu bug- puked once, then puked a week later from what I can only assume was a lactose intolerance (this is common in small kids and Caden had it last year after getting a virus). So we are on a lactose free diet right now and have yet to re-gain the eating/ drinking momentum that he had before, and even taking this into account, about 1.5 months after the fill the eating started slowing down. It sounds crazy that I can make that statement, but when I have a notebook that shows everything the kid eats/is offered/refuses- it is sort of hard to argue.  - GI confirmed again that they would like to do a scope on him. Being on reflux meds as long as he has, they want to see the extent of any acid d

The results... Part I

So our big adventure is over, and yet it has really opened up another big chapter of unknowns! We discovered that Caden does in fact have a Posterior Cleft, a slight one, and he had the gel film injection and we stayed over night after his scope. Everything went well and after a cranky awakening from anesthesia he inhaled (and that isn't even he correct term) noodles and ice cream and enjoyed the play room on the children's floor. The amount of questions I have are enough to fill several volumes of encyclopedias, I may be dating myself there as generations these days have no idea what I am referring to! But here is what I DO know: - The cleft is rare, as I said before 1 in 10-20,000 kids are estimated to have it and boys tend to show more than girls at a ratio of 5:3 - There is very little research that I can find, and the research I CAN find is medical journals that were forged in the cold, dark depths of Hell where the Spice Girls wrote their most famous ballads and t